2024 Board Meetings
HSoMC holds board meetings bimonthly, which are open to the public. Please see our meeting dates and agenda below. Each meeting data has a link that can be used to access the meeting, which is held over Microsoft Teams. The meeting notice should work on all devices, but a laptop is suggested if you want to read the meeting minutes and reports that are presented. We welcome everyone to attend but ask that you mute your audio after dialing in to minimize the background noise. Meetings start at 6 PM and are typically between 60 and 90 minutes in length.
July 24th, 6 PM:
Please note our July 24th meeting will be held in the community room (in the basement) of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library – 1710 W St Andrews Rd.
Click here to join the meeting
September 25th, 6 PM:
Please note our September 25th meeting will be held in the community room (in the basement) of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library – 1710 W St Andrews Rd.
Click here to join the meeting
November 20th, 6 PM:
Please note our November 20th meeting will be held in the community room (in the basement) of the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library – 1710 W St Andrews Rd.
Click here to join the meeting
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Staff Updates:
- Spay/neuter
- Shelter report
- Event coordinator
Committee Reports
- Fund Development
- Building
New Business