Benjamin Dollard
Hi! My name is Benjamin Dollard. I have served on the Humane Society of Midland County board since 2019 in the role of Treasurer.
I am married to Kelly (8 years), have one daughter who just graduated from University of Michigan and plans to attend law school, a step-daughter who is a hospice nurse for MyMichigan, and a step-son-in-law who is a nurse supervisor for MyMichigan.
I have had pets my entire life. Presently, I have three older dogs. Lily, a sheltie, is 13 ½ years old, Rose, a dachsund beagle mix rescue from the HSoMC, is probably ten years old, and Stanley, a sheltie inherited from my mother-in-law, is 11 ½ years old.
I moved to Midland in 1992 after completing my undergraduate degree in Economics from Alma College. I started work as a financial advisor at that time and have been with Ameriprise Financial for 31 years. I am a franchisee of Ameriprise which means I run my own business and have done so my entire career.
I also serve as Board President of West Midland Family Center. My present term ends in December, 2023 and I am term limited as having served for six consecutive years. I have served two previous stints on the West Midland Board of six years each. I also have volunteered on the Dow College Opportunity Program which is a Standing Committee of West Midland Family Center for (this is a guess) over twenty five years.
I was a member of the Midland Jaycees in my 20s and 30s. I am presently serving as Past President of the Midland Kiwanis Club (the one that meets on Monday evenings).
I am involved with HSoMC because there is a never ending need to help many furry friends find loving homes. The staff and many, many volunteeers make this organization exceptional. HSoMC does an amazing amount of adoptions every year considering the size of our community as well as the fact we are doing our work in an outdated shelter. We are making tremendous progress and getting closer to the next phase, which has required many changes over the last few years. If re-elected to the board, I hope to continue the drive to a new building which will help, in my opinion, reduce the stress for many of our furry friends that pass through the HSoMC doors.