The Humane Society of Midland County is a 501(c) non-profit organization (T.I.N. 38-6114132). Donations from our generous community comprise a significant portion of our revenue and we are thankful for every contribution that supports our mission. In addition to monetary donations, there are many ways to get involved with HSoMC. Learn more below!

How to Donate

Donate Online

One-time contribution or a recurring donation are processed through Network For Good.

Memorials and Tributes

One-time online memorial or tribute donation processed by Network for Good or view the Memorials and Tributes page.

Donate by Mail

To donate by mail, make checks out to “Humane Society of Midland County,” and mail to:

Humane Society of Midland County
4371 E. Ashman St.
Midland, MI 48642

Animal Sponsorships.

For information to sponsorship an animal or to make a donation to sponsor visit our sponsorship page.

Be a Best Friend: Recurring Donations

Animals are often referred to as our best friends, and now you can reciprocate. One of the ways that you can help support HSoMC is by becoming an HSoMC “Best Friend.” Best Friends are a special group of HSoMC donors who give recurring monthly donations. It doesn’t need to be a lot, but by committing to give the same amount for an extended duration of time, YOU help HSoMC by giving us a predictable revenue, which enables us to budget responsibly so that we can ensure our animals get the care they need.

Our donation levels are as follows:

Chewy Gives Back

You can view items needed by the shelter on our Chewy Gives Back page.  You can purchase items directly from the site and they will be shipped right to us to benefit the animals in the shelter immediately.  To view our Chewy Gives Back page of items needed by our shelter, please click the button below.

Amazon Wish List

You can shop directly from our Amazon Wish List and purchase items that will be directly shipped to the HSoMC shelter to benefit our animal immediately.  You can view our Amazon Wish List by clicking on the button below and start shopping.  You can also help the shelter through the AmaazonSmile program.  Scroll down for more information.

If you wish to shop locally, below is a list of items that we are always in need of and you can purchase at your local store and drop off at the shelter during our operating hours.

Donate to the Animal Assistance Endowment Fund

The Animal Assistance Endowment Fund is managed by the Midland Area Community Foundation. Donations to this fund support our Trap-Neuter-Return program for feral cats in addition to spay/neuter initiatives that help fixed-income residents in Midland County.

Animal Assistance Endowment Fund contributions can be made by visiting the Midland Area Community Foundation website and selecting Animal Assistance Endowment Fund.

Donate to the Animal Assistance Endowment Fund

Sponsor an Animal

Sponsoring helps cover the ongoing cost of care for a pet at HSoMC. The generosity of your sponsorship provides care for an animal of your choice, and you will receive updates on the animal to learn how your contribution made a difference.

To sponsor an animal in our care, select a pet from our adoptable pets list and choose a sponsorship level below.

Cat Sponsorships

Level Cost Coverage
Care $40 General medical expenses, including check-ups and vaccines
Care Plus $60 General medical expenses plus adoption fee
Senior $80 Advanced medical care; senior cat adoptions are free

Dog Sponsorships

Level Cost Coverage
Care $150 General medical expenses
Care Plus $200 General medical expenses care plus adoption fee
Senior $250 Adoption fee plus some medical care

If your sponsorship includes an adoption fee, we will send an email notification when that pet is adopted.

Sponsor a Kennel

Commemorate a pet or a loved one by sponsoring a dog or cat kennel for a $500 annual fee or a $2,500 lifetime fee. As a kennel sponsor, HSoMC will place a personalized plaque on a kennel with your family name, company name, or the name of a beloved pet or person. The plaque will be mounted on the kennel door.

Shop for a Cause

Did you know that when you shop, you can give, too? HSoMC has collaborated with two businesses that offer a portion of your purchase to our shelter.

Kroger Giving Back

HSoMC is part of Kroger’s Community Rewards Program®. Register your Kroger rewards card by listing HSoMC as a Community Awards recipient at their website using our organization name and number.

Organization Name: Humane Society of Midland County
Organization Number: 91057


By shopping through Amazon, .5% of your eligible AmazonSmile purchase will be donated to HSoMC.  Please use a browser to shop rather than the Amazon mobile app so we will get credit for your purchase.

Click here to start donating through AmazonSmile!